Sendai Tanabata Festival, Japan : Yukata and Hijab in Japanese Summer Festival



What Is the Tanabata Festival

Tanabata is a festival celebrated all around Japan. The festival itself is about Japanese folklore coincides with the astronomical event. The story is telling the tale about Princess Orihime (Vega, the brightest star in Lyra constellation) and Hikoboshi (Altair, the brightest star in Aquila constellation). The folklore tells Orihime, the weaver of our milky way galaxy, is fall in love with Hikoboshi, but they can only meet once a year. The day they will meet is the astronomical event when Vega and Altair from two different constellations cross path with each other. Originally, the festival celebrated in July but in Sendai, we celebrate it in August, on the peak of Summer season.


Sendai Tanabata Festival

Tanabata Festival is celebrated all over Japan, but the biggest festival is held in Japan every 6th-8th August. Sendai has the longest and biggest Tanabata decoration installed in Sendai downtown area. Every year it attracts more than 2 millions tourist. Each decoration can be as tall as 3 – 5 meters. Companies, Schools, University joins the hype by making their decorations, some of them have a really pretty and unique design.

 How to Enjoy Sendai Tanabata Festival

It is quite popular to wearing a summer yukata to any summer festival in Japan, including Sendai Tanabata festival. Yukata (浴衣) is Japanese traditional clothes wear with a sash (Obi) and wooden sandals (geta). The best news is, it is hijab friendly as you can easily style your hijab on top of yukata. Look how happy our sisters wearing their yukata and strolling around the festival! Aside from the pretty decoration, there is a lot of Muslim friendly street food you can enjoy and a performance in Kotodai park.


Event date: 6th-8th August every year

Access: 2 minutes walk from Sendai Station

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