Prayer Room at Sapporo’s New Chitose Airport in Hokkaido, Japan



Assalamu’alaikum Minna-san, 

How is your life nowadays? We hope that this finds you in a good condition even though the COVID-19 pandemic is still here. We also hope these difficult times can be brought under control all around the world. Stay safe and healthy Minna-san 🙂

Anyway, now I would like to share our experience when we went to Hokkaido last winter before this pandemic hit us hard. That was our first time to go to this wonderful Island. And Masya Allah, we witnessed by ourselves all the snow in the city as tall as adults. Since we originally come from a tropical country, this is an amazing view we had ever seen. Besides those beautiful sceneries, Sapporo, the capital of Hokkaido, also made us comfortable with all the prayer rooms and halal foods available around the city.

One of the prayer rooms that we found is located at their international airport, New Chitose airport. It is located on the 2F of the International Terminal Building. You can access the website to get the exact location of it.

They provide separate rooms for men and women. So I bet that this gives us more private to praying and of course more convenient to do.

And when we open the door, we can see a big and nice room inside. There are several taps provided for wudhu while seated. Make sure if you use this facility, keep it clean by drying the water splash leftover from your wudhu and don’t leave dirt in it. It is a good idea also if you bring your own towel to dry it.

And here we go, a nice and comfortable room to pray. Signs showing four directions (east, west, south, and north) are also installed.  I believe that a good place will make us more devout on our praying. 

New Chitose airport

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