JAPAN QURBAN/Udhiya 2019:Share The Happiness and Blessing, Qurban with Japan Halal TV and Global Qurban

English Assalamualaikum,  Allah mention in Surah Al Kauthar ayah 2 “So pray to your Lord and sacrifice [to Him alone].” EID UL ADHA is around the corner, don’t forget to fulfill the task and obligation by doing Qurbani, This year Japan Halal TV collaborates with Global Qurban ACT to share the happiness for the people in Indonesia and Palestine, InshaALLAH the Qurbani will reach to those who need it the most and May ALLAH bless you in many ways in this IED UL ADHA 2019.  Click the link below for ordering the Qurban https://forms.gle/KvoZphCxWVKDwebp7 Bahasa Indonesia  Idul Adha semakin dekat, Jangan lupakan perintah berkurban yang ALLAH telah sebutkan dalam surat … Continue reading JAPAN QURBAN/Udhiya 2019:Share The Happiness and Blessing, Qurban with Japan Halal TV and Global Qurban