Indonesian Halal Foods Restaurant in Japan



Bintang Bali Okubo

Bintang Bali is a famous Indonesian restaurant in Tokyo, Japan. This restaurant provides halal food typical of Indonesia. This restaurant is located in front of the Okubo station and is located in the location of a Muslim community, this cafe provides Indonesian specialties and also halal, ranging from curry [Opor Ayam], chicken noodles [Mie Ayam], fried rice [Nasi Goreng], Yakitori [Sate] and catfish rice [Pecel Lele].

Indonesian Taste In Japan

For you who came from Indonesia, and already missed food from Indonesia. This restaurant can be an alternative to visit. In addition, there are also many Indonesians who visit this restaurant, making the atmosphere inside the restaurant feel similar in Indonesia.


Just two minutes from Okubo Station

Near the Okubo station there are also Indonesian Mosques and Shops. Only one station from Shinjuku station you can already find this Indonesian halal restaurant.

Google Maps: Click in here

by Wendi Cahya Setiadi