Halal Mirin From Kyoto’s NOYAMA



What is Mirin?

Mirin (味醂 or みりん) is an essential seasoning for Japanese and some of the Asian cuisine. From Sushi to Yakisoba, from marinated to pour-over soup; it can be found in almost all Japanese authentic cuisine. Originally, mirin is consumed as amazake as it has a high percentage of sugar. Mirin made from the fermentation of rice, alcohol can be as high as 14% and some have less than 1%. Mirin is quite different from cooking wine as it contains high percentage of sugar (45%). Kansai style cooking boils the mirin before use to evaporate some of the alcohol while Tokyo style cooking uses mirin as it is.  Because it contains alcohol and originally consumed as Khamr (alcoholic beverages) in the old days, it is not safe for us Moslem to consumes mirin.

Japanese cuisine cooked using mirin


Mirin, an essential Japanese cuisine condiments

Halal Mirin

But, Mirin is essential for Japanese cuisine. It brings out the flavor and adds a subtle sweetness to the food. Some of us use the mix of sugar, salt, and grape juice/vinegar to substitute mirin or completely neglect the use of mirin. But now, we can try to recreate the authentic Japanese cuisine at our own Kitchen by using the alcohol zero Mirin from NOYAMA company. NOYAMA is a Kyoto based company strived for barrier-free food, including the halal-certified condiments. Their mirin is approved by and received halal certification by Japan Halal Standard. This is the first time we encountered Halal certified mirin.

NOYAMA’s Halal Mirin


Halal certified

How does Halal Mirin Tastes?

The best thing about this Noyama’s Halal mirin is that they still manage to maintain the taste the same as the original mirin. Even our Japanese friends almost can not tell the difference between cooking use Noyama’s Halal Mirin and conventional mirin. The mirin is available in a 500ml bottle package and can be ordered from their official online shop here.


So, enough with the description… Let’s cook some Japanese food!


Company name: NOYAMA Company

Phone number 090-3925-1455
Official webpage: https://noyama-shop.com/

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