Egyptian Street Food Day in Sendai City!!




Assalam Alikom everyone

Sendai is a city full of harmony, the place where various culture mixed in a peaceful environment. As Sendai city became a second home for many foreigners, the cultural and tradition exchange often held to make better understanding and to foster friendship bonding . One of Egyptian students at Tohoku University, Mr. Hazem Abbas made it happen. 

Mr. Hazem who is an Egyptian student in Tohoku university made an Egyptian street food day in Sendai city in northeast Japan last week.


Mr. Hazem goal was to introduce the Halal Egyptian food to Japanese people in Sendai city because as we know, it is challenging to find Halal foods here in Japan. 


 ∫ The Egyptian Dishes 

For this occasion, Mr. Hazem made two famous dishes from Egypt.

The main dish was called “Koshari” which is a mix of Rice, Pasta, Lentils, chickpeas, Fried onions, and Tomato Sauce. Koshari is a very famous unique Egyptian food that mixes all these ingredients together. Egyptians eat Koshari regularly because it’s delicious, fill your stomach and a cheap dish !! It costs around half a dollar for one dish in Egypt. There is a lot of Koshari shops in Egypt. It’s very popular!!


“koshari” a popular Egyptian dish!!

While the second dish was the dessert. The famous Egyptian Donuts called “Zalabya”. It’s a deep-fried dough made of wheat that is immersed in sugar syrup to get its sweetness. It’s very sweet, delicious and cheap comfort food from Egypt!!


“Zalabya” A famous Egyptian Donuts!!


Before serving the food, he gave a quick presentation about Egyptian culture and the great places -beside the famous “Pyramids”- which you can visit and enjoy when you visit Egypt.



The presentation was very interactive with the audience

More than 40 Japanese people and 7 foreigners from different countries attended the event that was held in Downtown Sendai.


Japanese as well as foreign people joined the event


He hopes that these kinds of events will gap the cultural differences between Japanese and Arabs.


Most of the Japanese and foreign People who attended the event liked the Egyptian food and the presentation given about the Egyptian culture. They said that they want to try Egyptian food again and they left the venue happily with a smile on their faces.


Mr. Hazem was very happy and satisfied with the feedback from Japanese and foreign people. And, he hopes to make these kind of events regularly as this was an event to introduce Halal food to Japanese people.


By: Hazem Abbas

Editor: Azzizah

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