Easy Steps to Support Halal Businesses in Japan! Let`s Start From Now




Halal businesses (especially food business) in Japan are booming right now, and Tokyo as the capital of Japan is rushing to be the pioneer of Muslim-friendly cities. But, what happens if this is only a “hot topic” that only lasts for a couple of years or even months?

As a Muslim living in Japan and representative of Japan Halal TV and other Muslim promotion media, here is my opinion on this matter.

∫Halal Business in Japan: The Gap

Halal business is promising here in Japan, and the upcoming Tokyo 2020 Olympics is a big stepping stone to launch Japan halal products for the Muslim world market. Halal restaurants are blooming throughout Japan, with Tokyo boasting the most halal / Muslim friendly restaurants. Not only are new businesses forming, but restaurants with a long history and recognition in Japan are providing halal versions of their products. For example, Coco Ichibanya, the largest curry franchise in Japan, has opened two fully-halal stores in Kabukicho and Akihabara. See our review about Coco Ichibanya here. 

Muslim lining in front of Halal Coco Ichibanya Akihabara

Businesses in all service industries have begun to look at the halal market with a great opportunity.

This is not only because of the Tokyo Olympics but also because Japan is already one of the most popular holiday destinations for many countries, especially for Indonesia and Malaysia, two of Asia’s largest Islamic countries.

Although these markets are big and promising, there are still problems. There still is a large gap between big cities like Tokyo and other more rural regions of Japan regarding Halal food availability. We found more than 4 cases where restaurants that offered Halal dishes discontinued their Halal menu, or Halal restaurants closed altogether.

But this problem can be solved with the support of Muslims who live in Japan, and through the travel choices of Muslim tourists to visit other places in Japan outside the big cities.

Signboard of Tokyo Olympic 2020 in one of Japan`s airport

∫ Halal Business in Japan: How Muslims Can Support

How can Muslims help to solve this problem, so that Halal businesses in Japan continue to survive indefinitely and not just a couple of years?

  1. Follow Islamic Rules

As simple as it sounds, following Islamic Rule on foods is the most natural way to grow halal business in Japan. When Muslims only eat or buy Halal foods, the demand will increase and businesses providing good will increase their services. If Muslims living or visit Japan and decide not to obey Islamic Rule and eat non-Halal foods, then there will never be a need to provide halal food services. Not only food, but halal services like prayer rooms, Mosques, or Muslim friendly salons will also have no market.  

Muslim buying Muslim friendly products from Akiu


  1. Visit other places in Japan (Not only the most popular ones)

“What doe this have to do with halal business? I choose wherever I want to go”

It is fine to want to visit the most popular and well-known places in Japan that are all over magazines, TV, and social media. However, if you want a more authentic Japanese experience and support smaller businesses trying hard to provide Halal services, you should try visiting less touristy areas. You can help give a better understanding of Muslim culture to the area and give the incentive to provide Halal services. There were many cases where Halal restaurants closed because not enough Muslim customers come to that area (especially tourists), or the locals felt no urgency to provide a prayer space because nobody will use it anyways. Once Muslims start spreading all over Japan for traveling, that is when the change will begin to happen, so you can become one of the people who contributed to the growth of Halal business.   

Muslim family visiting Shiroishi Shi Zao and opened the chance for the ski resort to provide the Muslim friendly menu in its cafeteria


Muslim visited Strawberry farm in Tohoku area
  1. Use social media to help spread Halal awareness throughout the world

Do you use social media every day?

If so, did you know that you can help halal businesses in Japan through social media?

For every “like” you press, and for every time you share, you make a big difference. As an admin in halal media promotion for government and private companies in Japan, all data about page activity is recorded and processed to see the needs, wants, reactions, and opinions of Muslim users.

The government and private businesses will judge the necessity of Halal services based on the number of shares, likes, and comments from the Muslim readers on posts, and those actions will act as an incentive to promote halal business growth and support. Even if you are just one person, the actions of you and many other people will combine to make a huge contribution. For example, if you like and share a great Halal ramen restaurant in Japan, and many of the people who see your post like and share also, information about the restaurant can reach very far, and many more people can learn about and come visit to support the Halal business! And INSHALLAH, your contribution will bring you great rewards for helping Muslims and Halal businesses throughout Japan.

Sendai Fukuchan, Halal certified snack from Miyagi

Written by Azzizah

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