Diversity Cafe Sekai Gohan : ALL Halal Restaurant in Sendai, Miyagi, Japan and Who We Are




Diversity Cafe Sekai Gohan : ALL Halal Restaurant in Sendai, Miyagi, Japan and Who We Are

Opened last yer, located in the central of the Sendai City, Miyagi there is halal restaurant called DIVERSITY CAFE SEKAI GOHAN, halal restaurant operated by Japan Halal TV. You can enjoy diverse halal foods from various countries including Indonesia, Thailand, Japan and many others.

The Idea Behind Sekai Gohan 

SEKAI GOHAN (Sego) opened 15th of May 2023,  is a restaurant that carries the theme of food diversity. At the beginning of the opening we were glad that we received a lot of support from Japanese and Muslim customers. 

Sekai Gohan is part of Ari TV/Japan Halal TV group and we will try our best to serve the best of the best!.

The idea behind Sekai Gohan is that we have to move forward. Our company has been the project leader of several government halal projects in the past. We are the company in charge of the Miyagi halal project from 2020-2021 and the company in charge of the Sendai city halal project from 2022-2023 and behind many other halal related projects in the Tohoku region north of Japan. 

The first visit, the place currently rented by Sekai Gohan is a former hotpot restaurant which due to Corona had to close down

From these two government projects, we realized that to sustain halal restaurants that depend on the government project alone is quite challenging. For that reason our company decided to open Diversity Cafe Sekai Gohan. 

Diversity Cafe Sekai Gohan in our mind is to become the place for everyone to enjoy a hearty meal at one table at anytime.


The First Development of Sekai Gohan Menu

Focusing on Asian Cuisine

Starting from Indonesian cuisine, Sekai Gohan restaurant is focusing on serving Halal Asian Cuisine. From Indonesian cuisine, we then developed our menu on Japanese, Chinese, and Korean foods. We hope that many people can taste a slice of world cuisine at our restaurant without having to travel far away. 

From Asian cuisine, we hope to develop the menu more than Asia. We aim to develop more menus from various parts of the world. 

Support Local Products 

Sekai Gohan is committed to using local ingredients to create its menu. We want our customers to taste the delicious ingredients grown in Miyagi. We believe that supporting local farmers is something that is mutually beneficial and together improves the local economy. 

We use local eggs products from Hatake Farm

Open Reservation for Halal Meal Course Based on Budget

For those of you who want to hold a group event with halal food, you can order it at the Diversity Cafe Sekai Gohan. Course meals can be requested according to your budget and wishes, such as Indonesian food course meals, Japanese food course meals, Korean food course meals, etc. 

The chef of Sekai Gohan restaurant is a Muslim and there is no pork menu in our restaurant, so Muslims can enjoy food in our restaurant with peace of mind.

Halal Bento to Enjoy

It’s quite challenging to order halal bento in Japan. In Sendai city Miyagi, Japan you can order halal bentou from Sekai Gohan restaurant. In the picture is a Japanese & Korean bento made by Sekai Gohan!Bulgogi, Karaage, stir-fried shrimp and broccoli with garlic, etc. 

The Bento was made with rice purchase from farmers in Miyagi, We tried to support local products as many as we can 

The restaurant can accommodate large reservations such as for meetings, and we can adjust based on your budget.  


Sekai Gohan Social Media










Sekai Gohan UBER EATS




GRAND SOLEIL 1F 2-4-1 Omachi, Aoba Ward, Sendai

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